Wednesday 30 March 2011

Tension Mounts

Some of the Primary 7's will not be going to York. They will be involved in an action packed week in Edinburgh instead.

On Monday we will be taking part in a whole day animation workshop in City of Edinburgh's state of the art ICT Training Suite!

just some of the great kit we will be using!
Look out for some of the work here


  1. Can't wait until Monday. Packed lunch!

  2. Hi Everyone!
    I hope you are having a great time! You have had so many exciting opportunities so far and so many to go! I can't wait to hear all about them. Let me know what you have been up to!

    Miss K-S

  3. I think we have all been too busy to switch on the computers to make our comments!
    Today ,as it was raining, we cleared up the science room and did loads of recycling. We made quite a lot of bracelets to fund-raise at the May Fair. There were beads everywhere! ( but we picked them off the floor!) I think almost everyone let the end of their bracelet go at least once.
    We then cleared all the computers out of the Computer Suite, ready for some work on the floor there over the hols.
    After a special Easter lunch most of us did some Eco work, tree planting.
    All in all a very productive day. Well done team.
    Now looking forward to a day of culture tomorrow with Mr Armstrong and Miss MacIntosh.
